Delaware Supreme Court Justice Randy Holland kicks off WFU Law Business Law Program’s new Sager Speaker Series


Pictured from Left to Right: Justice Randy J. Holland, Delaware Supreme Court; Professor Omari Simmons; WFU Law Dean Suzanne Reynolds; and Thomas Sager, Partner, Ballard Spahr LLP, former DuPont SVP and General Counsel.

Delaware Supreme Court Justice Randy J. Holland spoke at Wake Forest Law at noon on Thursday, April 7, in the Worrell Professional Center, Room 1312, as part of the Business Law Program’s new Sager Speaker Series. Professor Omari Simmons interviewed Justice Holland in a “Conversation With” style format.

The Sager Speaker Series is named for Thomas Sager (JD ’76), former vice president and general counsel for Dupont Co., and current partner at Ballard Spahr LLP. Mr. Sager was a strong and early proponent of diversity in the legal profession and helped pioneer the DuPont Convergence and Law Firm Partnering Program, or DuPont Legal Model, an industry benchmark that has received national acclaim for its innovative approach to the business of practicing law.  Read More