Omari Scott Simmons is a leading corporate governance and higher education policy expert whose impactful work is utilized by scholars, courts, policymakers, NGOs, and practitioners.
The role of corporations in civil society is changing
Simmons is a global expert helping corporations navigate challenging socio-political environments where companies must inevitably contend with rising stakeholder expectations concerning their role in advancing society (e.g., social impact, corporate citizenship, CSR, and ESG).
Companies can be vehicles for empowerment and social impact
“The free enterprise system has the potential to be more inclusive, advancing opportunities for vulnerable people, ameliorating inequities, promoting wealth creation, and contributing to a flourishing society locally, nationally, and globally. Rather than a barrier to advancement, companies, as non-state actors, can function as vehicles for individual, group, and societal empowerment.”
About Omari Scott Simmons
Simmons is a professor of law at George Washington University Law School. He is Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Simmons Memorial Foundation and author of Potential on the Periphery: College Access from the Ground Up.
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February 16, 2023